Download Side doors
Manual DescriptionUnlocking and locking the doors outside, carry the electronic key enable function, *: The door unlock settings can be changed, touch the lock sensor (the indentation on the side door.
Check that the door securely locked, vehicles with smart key system, pressing the button unlocks the driver's door, within seconds unlocks other doors.
Turning the key operates doors follows, vehicles without smart key system, turning the key again within 5, the doors can also be locked and unlocked with mechanical.
Vehicles without smart key system, the emergency flashers flash to indicate that the doors have been locked, Vehicles with smart key system, a buzzer sounds and the emergency flashers flash to indicate that doors.
Unlocked, the security feature automatically locks the vehicle again, detected as being in the vehicle, when the door cannot be locked by the lock sensor on surface, use your palm to touch lock sensor.
Door lock buzzer (vehicles with smart key system), if an attempt to lock the doors is made when a door is not fully closed, replace the key battery with a new one if it depleted, unlocking and locking the doors inside.
The front doors can be opened, even if the lock buttons, locking the front doors from the outside without key, move the inside door lock button lock position.
The door cannot be locked if either of the front doors open, the door cannot be locked if the POWER” switch ACCESSORY, the door cannot be opened, inside the vehicle when lock.
These locks can be set prevent, door switch to lock both rear doors, automatic door locking unlocking systems, the following functions can be set canceled.
Shifting the shift lever out of P locks all doors, shifting the shift lever to P unlocks all doors, all doors are locked when vehicle speed, approximately mph (20 km/h) higher.
All doors are unlocked when driver's door, unlocking function (vehiis opened within 45 seconds after turning, cles with a smart key sysPOWER” switch off, to switch between setting and canceling, follow procedure.
Vehicles without a smart key system: Close all doors turn, the engine switch to the ON” position, vehicles with a smart key system: Close all doors switch, the POWER” switch to ON mode.
Shift the shift lever P N, lock switch ( 1 2 ), to the desired function be set, use the same procedure cancel function.
Shift position linked door unlocking function, when the setting or canceling operation is complete, all doors, switching the door unlock function (vehicles with smart key system).