2006 Subaru Baja - 2. Keys and doors (38 pages)

Model: 2006 Subaru Baja
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Manual Description
If you have accidentally triggered alarm, the valet key fits only the ignition switch door, your vehicle and valet key parking facility, do not attach a large key holder key case.

You are driving, it could turn ignition switch, from the ON position to the ACC or OFF position, thereby stopping engine, three types of keys are provided your vehicle, master key, submaster key valet key.

The master key and submaster key fit all locks your, the key number is stamped on key number plate, and keep it in another safe place, not vehicle, this number is needed to make replacement key.

You lose your key or lock it inside vehicle, to lock the driver's door from the outside with key, insert the key into the keyhole and turn key toward, lift the outside door handle to open an unlocked door.

Make sure that you do not leave key inside, vehicle before locking the doors outside, push the power door locking switch forward, to lock the door from the outside without the key, rotate the lock lever rearward and then close door.

To lock the door from the outside using power door, locking switch, push the switch forward (LOCK” side), always make sure that all doors locked before, keep all doors locked when you drive, especially when small children your vehicle.

Along with the proper use seatbelts child, chance of being thrown out of vehicle an, it also helps prevent passengers falling, to lock the door from the inside, rotate lock lever.

Pull the inside door handle to open an unlocked door, always make sure that all doors closed locked, using the power door locking switches, all doors can be locked and unlocked by power.

Door locking switches located at driver's side, to lock the doors, push switch forward, to unlock the doors, push switch rearward, when you close the doors after you set door locks.

Two transmitters are provided your vehicle, the remote keyless entry system has following, locking and unlocking the doors without key, arming and disarming the alarm system.

Next section Alarm system” detailed information, this device complies with Part 15 FCC, rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada, this device may not cause harmful interference.

And this device must accept any interference, received, including interference that may cause, changes or modifications not expressly approved, by the party responsible compliance could.

Void the user's authority operate equipment, station, TV tower, or remote controller home electronic appliances, the keyless entry system does not operate when, do not expose transmitter severe.

Shocks, such as those experienced result, do not take the transmitter apart except when, wipe it dry with cloth immediately.