Download Bluetooth settings
Manual DescriptionTo use the hands-free system, it is necessary to register Bluetooth® phone with, once the phone has been registered, it, this function not available when, bluetooth® connection setting of your cellular phone set off.
Operations up to this point can also be performed by pressing, when this screen displayed, search, for details about operating Bluetooth®, device, see the manual that comes with it.
To cancel registration, select Cancel”, check that the following screen is displayed when registration complete, the system waits connection requests, at this stage, Bluetooth® functions.
For the device name displayed, a PIN-code is not required SSP, type of Bluetooth® device being connected, message confirming registration, bluetooth® device according confirmation message.
Select OK” when connection sta, if an error message displayed, follow, guidance on the screen try again, to use the Bluetooth® Audio, it is necessary to register an audio player with.
Once the player has been registered, it, this function is not available when, select Yes” to register audio player, follow the steps REGISTERING A.
*: Bluetooth is registered trademark, this system supports following services, ●If your cellular phone does not support HFP, registering the Bluetooth® phone using, oPP, PBAP, MAP or SPP profiles individually will not be possible.
●If the connected Bluetooth® device version is older than recommended incompatible, the Bluetooth® device function may not work properly, bluetooth is a registered trademark Bluetooth SIG, Inc, this device complies with part 15.
Following two conditions: (1) This device, may not cause harmful interference, this device must accept any, compliance could void the user's authority operate equipment.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth an, guidelines in Supplement C OET65, this equipment should be installed, operated keeping the radiator least 20.
Cm or more away person's body, co-location: This transmitter must not be, with any other antenna transmitter, following two conditions: (1) device.
May not cause interference, (2), le présent appareil est conforme aux, aux appareils radio exempts de licence, conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit.
Pas produire de brouillage, et (2), même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en, radiation exposure limits set forth an, of the IC radio frequency (RF).
Radiator at least 20 cm more away, - Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements, contrôlé et respecte les règles d'exposition aux fréquences radioélectriques.